Monday, January 21, 2013

Rhythm of the City

"Rhythm of the City"

Mind racing. Heart thumping. Rhythms pacing. Music bumping.

Horns blowing. People walking. Litter flowing. Shoppers talking.

Taxis zooming. Buildings rising. Business booming. Fashion sizing.

Lights blaring. Shoes tapping. Passers staring. Awnings flapping.
Papers flying. Fires stoking. Babies crying. Poultry smoking.
Dogs pooping. Children playing. Seniors stooping. Parents praying.
Meters running. Trucks parking. Cops cunning. Drivers barking.
Bikers peddling. Traffic moving. Vendors meddling. Dancers grooving.
Singles moping. Couples holding. Lovers groping. Marriages molding.
Card sharks shaking. Stocks falling. No money making. Sellers calling.
Liquors flowing. No one's buying. Discontent's sowing. People dying.
This is the pulse racing Rhythm of my city.

Drabble- a story told in exactly 100 words.

This Friday I will be participating in False Start Friday bloghop hosted by Subliminal Coffee.

The final list of January's False Start Friday writers is as follows:

1. Stephanie of stephstuff

2. Shaharizan of Bronx Tales & Inner Musings

3. Loree of Stories and Scribbles

4. Geo of Trainride of the Enigmas

5. Lily of Wishbone Soup Cures Everything

6. Susan of I Think; Therefore, I Yam

Come see us and join the fun!


  1. Thanks Alex. It took a long time to get the cadence accurate as well.

  2. Thanks Existentialist- I was going for the brief/ abrupt phrases, rather than long prose. :D

  3. I like it! Loved the rhythm of it, and the choppy sentences. I like the free form, though poetry.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  4. Thanks for the visit! Great piece!

  5. @ Shannon and C.M.- Thanks for the compliments. They are much appreciated.
