Thursday, January 17, 2013

Again, Again

Inspired by your belief in me, I look up to the sky, dig in my heels and whoosh! I can fly. The air beneath me, my wings spread apart, the wide world is mine. My time in the air doesn't last very long. Landing clumsily, my feet come back down to Earth but my parents steady me. Raising my head again, the sky is a beautiful cerulean blue with puffy white cotton balls dotted here and there. My potential is limitless. I resolve to capture the sky and own it. Grabbing my parents hands, I take flight again and again.

Again, Again
Alexander Millar

Drabble- a story told in exactly 100 words.


  1. Good drabble and excellent matching image.

  2. Hello, Shaharizan! Which blog will you be posting your False Start Friday offering to? Can you leave a link in the comments on Subliminal Coffee? Thank you so much.

  3. Thanks Alex. The drabble was actually inspired by the artwork. We had a writer's group project of creating drabbles to pieces of artwork at a gallery event. It was really enjoyable.

    @ Suze- I commented on the Trajectory post in your Subliminal Coffee blog. Thanks so much for the reminder. :D
