Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Late Night

It's funny how we do the craziest things to get what we want.  I want higher pay.  The only way to obtain this is to go back to school.  So here, it's 10:00 pm and I'm waiting for the ferry.  I got out of class approximately an hour ago.  I'm exhausted and tomorrow there is more toil at my place of employment.  I'm just so tired all the time.  I want to step through the glass mirror in the puddle and transport to another world.  Perhaps there, life wouldn't seem so desolate.

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Drabble- a story told in exactly 100 words.


  1. That's such a powerful drabble, Chary. Full of wisdom as you are.

  2. Thanks Natasha. It's been really hard lately. Hopefully, I'll get into the routine and get it together.

  3. Take time during the week to recharge and keep remembering why you are doing it. It can't last forever, either. You can do it.

  4. @ Alex- Thanks for the pep talk. I really needed it. It's funny how a few kind words, make a huge difference. :D

  5. It will be well worth it in the end my friend.

  6. Thanks Existentialist. Sometimes it just seems a bit much but once it's over, I'll be singing a different tune.

  7. I'm sorry things are rough. I can feel your exhaustion in your words. I hope things get better.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

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  9. Thanks Shannon. Some nights I'm at my wits end but I know it will be worth it in the end. :D
