Monday, February 18, 2013

Musing Mondays: A-Z April 2013 Challenge

I'm really excited about this A-Z Challenge.  I attempted them in the past and never really pulled through to the end.  Okay, I abysmally failed after the first week.  Like a paradigm shift, I realized where I went wrong- I didn't PLAN AHEAD.  I don't have an explanation why nor do I even understand how this incredibly essential component of a month-long bloghop eluded me for so long. 

However, this has been remedied.  So far, I have decided on the theme, drabbles and photographs.  By doing this now, there will be more time for me to visit blogs in April.  

Drabble- n. story told in exactly 100 words.
Word-count Tool


  1. Smart move! I'll have my posts written and ready to go by the time the Challenge begins.

  2. I've been watching the last couple years as people engage in the insanity, and finally jumped to join everyone. I definitely think that without prep this would be an impossible task. Love drabbles, btw. I'm still tasting the theme I've chosen and deciding if I like it. Looking forward to seeing your posts!

    1. Same here. I would dabble a little here and there. But this year, I am diving right in and joining the melee! Thanks. I thought with drabbles it will be a quick read, comment and off to another blog on the A-Z Challenge. :)

  3. Stopping by from A to Z. I'm a first timer and I didn't pick a theme, but I have started the planning process. That seems to be common advice. God bless and Happy planning! Maria

    1. Yes, planning will save you so much time. I've already prescheduled several posts. :D I look forward to reading yours, Maria.
