Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life Gets in the Way

My goal is to write more this year.  Besides writing on the blogs and for my writer's group, The Burrow, I haven't really written much in the past two years.  I feel a little bit like an underachiever.  Yes, I am a mother of three, wife, daughter and teacher.  However, I feel like when it comes to writing, I could have done more.  This year, I declare openly to do more than just write outlines.  I will write more consistently.   I will edit after I have written my first novel.

That felt good!  I will write a novel this year!

Drabble- a story written in exactly 100 words.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Go, go, go. I have the same family as you except mother of four and I'm a teacher too. I trying to get more writing done too. Good luck.

  2. I wish you so much luck with this! I know how hard it is to fit it in, but you definitely have some stories that need telling.
