- Don't you hate it when you are shopping and standing near a sales rack, no one else is around, and then all of a sudden a mob of people come and invade your personal space.
- I love when students have a free period and they take out their homework. They begin reading and writing without my having to tell them.
- I need a plant for my office but I don't get enough light. I am not experienced with plants so I really don't know what to purchase.
- You ever wonder why people dig their nose in their cars and act like no one can see them. Guess what? I see you . . .
- I really wish I could see the night sky with my naked eye. There is too much light pollution so I don't really know what it looks like. Sad.
- I wish every person who uses the bathroom would wash their hands right afterward. Grosses me out when they don't.
- I think my daughter is getting involved in too many extracurricular activities. I think it's great that she has joined a team and has after-school clubs. However, she needs some time management skills. Too scattered. I'll have to get her a planner or PDA.
What is your random thought of the day? I want to know.